A 28.9% increase in the council tax charge for the Fire and Rescue service in North Yorkshire was needed according to the region's Deputy Mayor.
Jo Coles has responsibility for the police and fire services in York and North Yorkshire. The Deputy Mayor says the fire service has been drastically underfunded in the past and was running out of cash.
The 28.9% increase was approved by York and North Yorkshire's Mayor last week, it will add £24 a year to a Band D Council Tax Bill.
The Mayor's director of resources - Mike Russell - says the service faced cuts in national funding plus increasing costs and the need to replace some of it's fire engines.
The Fire Element of the Mayoral General Precept within York and North Yorkshire for 2025/26, for a Band D property will be set at £107.02. This is an increase of £24, or 28% over the 2024/25 level.
David Skaith, Mayor for York and North Yorkshire said:
“Ensuring communities across York and North Yorkshire are safe places for all is my top priority.
“I have heard residents and businesses loud and clear; I am determined to improve public confidence in policing and ensure our fire services long-term sustainability.
“Asking residents to pay more towards our police and fire services is not a decision I have taken lightly.
“As your Mayor, and for the first time here in York and North Yorkshire, I’ve had greater flexibility in setting the fire budget than previous Commissioners. This has enabled me to redress the massive under investment I inherited, whilst balancing the responsibility of ensuring communities are safe, and ensuring the financial security of our fire and rescue service. It will allow for investment to improve all areas of the Service including estates, equipment, firefighter safety and training.
“The public deserve the best quality emergency services, that starts with an effectively resourced service.
“The increase to the police and fire budgets will support the services to be stronger and more resilient in the future”.
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