Authorities say people ignoring the lockdown rules are driving the spread of COVID-19 in the Scarborough Borough.
That's the message from the local authorities as the 7-day infection rate in the Borough hits 561 cases for every 100 thousand people, twice the national average.
Richard Webb is Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services at North Yorkshire County Council he explains what steps they are now taking.
Richard says there has been a focus on tackling the outbreak on the Yorkshire Coast over the last few weeks, following an increase in cases in the Whitby area last month.
Mr Webb says people ignoring the lockdown rules are enabling the virus to spread further.
"We’re going to be doing much more visible awareness raising not only about the messages about the lockdown but also tackling where people are flouting the lockdown. "Where people flout the lockdown that has direct consequences. It has consequences for our care homes, for our hospital in Scarborough and it also means that the virus is spreading from town to village, right along the coast. "For those that said it couldn't happen here, it has."
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