A new series of landlords’ forums to provide key advice about the private housing sector will begin in Scarborough next Tuesday (21st May).
The North Yorkshire Council initiative, which is run in conjunction with the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA), aims to give private landlords, estate agents, estate landlords and people involved with private housing sector a forum to gather information and updates on changing legislation.
The meeting takes place at Scarborough Rugby Club from 12 noon until 4.30pm and will features news from council officers as well as a presentation from Propertymark, the NRLA and Environment on how to deal with damp, mould and condensation.
North Yorkshire Council’s executive member for housing, Cllr Simon Myers, said:
“These forums aim to provide those in the private housing sector with updates on our work and that of partners agencies.
“They also provide a great networking opportunity with like-minded people and organisations - we encourage everyone to attend.”
To book a place log on to:
Scarborough: https://www.nrla.org.uk/events/meetings/6156
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