Whitby’s last high street bank could be converted into a 24-hour adult gaming centre if plans are approved by North Yorkshire Council.
The Halifax at 67 – 68 Baxtergate, Whitby – the town’s last high street bank – is set to be converted into an adult gaming centre as part of plans by Luxury Leisure which trades as Admiral.
The bank branch, which was due to close in January, has informed customers that it intends to remain open until May.
The applicant said that adult gaming centres were “bona fide town centre uses” that added to diversity and choice and had no harmful impact on retailing activity.
It added:
“The reuse of the site together with investment in the property at a time when town centres are in decline ought to be supported.”
However, several members of the public have objected to the proposal over concerns about “antisocial behaviour” and about access to cash and banking facilities.
A resident, Andrea Tyreman, said:
“The council should reject this application in the best interest of its constituents, whom they are elected to represent and not support applications from companies which have no interest in the welfare of the residents, only their own profits.”
Another local, Emma Gates, said:
“Whitby does not need any more betting shops!
“We need clothing and household stores – this will just add to the degradation of the town that seems to be readily happening lately.”
Luxury Leisure, which is part of the Novomatic Group, said it employs more than 2,000 staff in the UK and accounts for 22.5 per cent of the UK adult gaming centre market “such that it is a highly experienced responsible operator in this market”.
The applicant added that there would be
“no noisy amusement arcade equipment which attracts under-18s and has an impact on amenity”.
Plans submitted to the authority state:
“The proposed 24-hour use will ensure footfall to the town centre.”
More than 40 per cent of banks in Scarborough and Whitby have closed since 2015 and nationally more than 5,790 bank branches have shut in the same period.
North Yorkshire Council has not set a date for deciding on the application which is currently open to representations from members of the public.
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