The cost of decarbonising some of the Scarborough Borough's older properties is much higher than the government grants available.
The challenges of decarbonising older homes in the Scarborough Borough are being looked at in a joint project between the borough council and other local authorities in North Yorkshire.
The borough has £980k to help look at measures to improve local properties through the latest phase of the Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery Scheme
Borough Council Climate Change Programme Manager - Harry Baross - says there are a number of challenges.
The government funding scheme scheme suggests it would cost around £10k to upgrade things like insulation on older properties.
Scarborough Borough Council's Climate Change Programme Manager - Harry Baross - says their data shows the real cost is much higher for a number of technical reasons.
The funding scheme is set to deliver 113 measures to improve local properties as part of Scarborough’s £980,000 allocation.
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