Changes introduced in May should be rolled back according to a Scarborough Councillor.
A Scarborough Councillor is calling for a rethink about the way stroke patients are managed on the Yorkshire Coast.
Since May rather than being taken to Scarborough hospital, people suspected of suffering a stroke have been taken directly to either York or Hull Hospitals.
Councillor Richard Maw thinks that is adding unnecessary delay to patients treatments.
Simon Cox is the Executive Programme Director for East Coast Service Review which is currently implementing a series of transformations to healthcare on the Yorkshire Coast
He says the stroke changes have improved things for patients, despite the distances involved.
Councillor Maw says he feels there isn't enough public awareness about the changes to the stroke service and to hospital services on the Yorkshire Coast in general. He's calling on residents with concerns to contact their local councillors and MP's to highlight their concerns. He's like to see a stroke unit bought back in Scarborough.
Simon Cox says the data they have gathered since the changes were made in May suggests that the process of accessing stoke treatment has been streamlined for Yorkshire Coast residents.
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