Hunmanby Parish Council says it has suffered from a spate of vandalism and is calling on local people to report issues to the police.
The Parish Council says that in recent weeks it has suffered from a lot of vandalism including the smashing tiles off the roof of the recently refurbished Prison/Lock-up, smashed tiles from the roof of the council workshop, play equipment being damaged, fencing around the park being smashed up and even a mature tree being felled last week which has fallen into the play park on Bowling Green Lane.
The parish council says it does have CCTV cameras in Bowling Green Lane play park and when it is aware of anti-social behaviour it can look through the footage and hand it over to the police.
In a post on social media the Parish Council say:
"We also have CCTV at the skate park and our workshop/community centre. Unfortunately no one else can view this footage except the police. By looking at this footage we have managed to give the police the names of three of the youths who have been undertaking some of the vandalism so hopefully their parents will soon have a knock on their doors.
The parish council also have funded the CCTV near the Co-op and on Cross Hill and this footage can only be viewed by North Yorkshire Council who will give footage to the police, even we cannot look at this CCTV.
The parish council also hear of other acts of vandalism in the village and at Sands Lane sports field and we report every incident to the police.
We also ask you to please report any vandalism you are aware of to the police on 101 or if the perpetrators are still in the act please call 999.
Every incident needs reporting to the police not just discussed on Facebook.
This way the more incidents that are logged the more police presence will be given to our village."
In the most recent incident on Tuesday evening the council says it's CCTV shows two people kicking down the fence at the Bowling Green Lane play park just two weeks after the fence had been repaired, they say the latest incident will cost more time and money to put right. The footage has been passed to the police.
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