East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Youth and Family Support service is accepting applications from voluntary organisations for a share of £30,000.
The 2021 Positive Activities Grant will give funding of up to £5,000 to a number of organisations which have worked with young people during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Grants are available in three bands.
- Band A is for voluntary youth organisations which have delivered face-to-face positive activities for young people in the East Riding during the pandemic. Up to three awards of £5,000 can be made.
- Band B is for organisations which offered online or digital youth work during the pandemic, or delivered an occasional event. Two awards of up to £3,000 are available.
- Band C is for youth organisations which have not been able to carry out any provision during Covid-19 and need funding to help them reopen when it is safe to do so. A maximum of nine awards of up to £1,000 are available.
Applications opened on Monday, 2 November, and all organisations applying for a PAG award must be a member of the Smile Community Hive and have a development plan in place by 31 January, 2021.
Since 2013, the council has provided £375,000 to nearly 200 different youth groups across the East Riding to create new youth projects and support existing youth groups.
Kevin Allen, Youth and Family Support service manager, said:
“2020 has been an unusual year with Covid-19 changing how we all work and provide services.
“Youth projects across the country have been hit hard, so it is my pleasure to announce the £30,000 Positive Activities Grant award for 2021, which will play a part in supporting the valued projects that offer positive diversionary activities to young people aged nine to 24 across the East Riding.”
Applications from organisations that can deliver provision for targeted and vulnerable young people from areas of urban and rural deprivation within the East Riding would be particularly welcomed.
To find out more, visit www.eastriding.gov.uk/council/grants-and-funding/positive-activities-grant/
To make an application, visit https://eastridingofyorkshirecouncil.flexigrant.com/