Denny Ingram will remain with the club, running the scholarship programme and the under-19's team.
In a Club Statement, released this afternoon, Bridlington Town Chairman Dan Rogers said:
“I believe the single most important quality in any manager is passion and Denny delivered that every day he managed the first team. I would like to publicly thank Denny for the dedication and unwavering efforts placed into our club under his tenure, I have been in awe at the level of professionalism and determination displayed. Denny is not leaving the club, so this is not a goodbye, but I hope that everyone reading this will join me in thanking Denny for the efforts he made after stepping up to the plate from assistant to manager early in the season.”
The Club also said:
Denny will remain at the club managing the new scholarship programme and the under 19s team as we seek to grow our youth pathway with our friends at CYP, we very much look forward to cheering on our under 19s who do us proud every time they play.
A statement on the new first team manager will be made in due course.
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