Community groups in Bridlington are being urged to apply for funding from the town Council's small grants scheme.
It' sees grants of up to £500 awarded to local projects twice a year.
Mayor of Bridlington - Councillor Rick Arrand - says the funds have been used by a range of local groups.
The grants can be used in a number of ways including:
- Capital cost Of new or improved facilities or equipment
- Providing a community service
- Initial funding for new activities
- Running costs and organisation of events
The town Council holds two application rounds each year and groups can apply for up to £500 in any one year which could be split across two separate applications.
Bridlington Mayor - Councillor Rick Arrand - says there are many uses for the funding.
The grants are not available to individual's or businesses and are generally not awarded to religious or educational establishments.
Application forms are available from the Bridlington Town Council website at https://bridlington.gov.uk/small-grant-applications/, via email at clerk@bridlington.gov.uk or from the Town Council office at 2A Marshall Avenue between 9am and 1pm.
The closing date for applications is 18th August 2024.
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