A pollution warning for Bridlington North Beach has been lifted but advice against bathing remains in force at two other Yorkshire Coast beaches.
The Environment Agency issued the alert for Bridlington North Beach at the weekend following heavy rainfall.
A 'advice against bathing' warning was in place from Saturday to Monday but has now been lifted.
Longer term advice against bathing remains in force for Bridlington South Beach and Scarborough South Bay.
Claire Barrow from the Environment Agency says efforts to improve bathing water quality along the Yorkshire Coast are continuing.
Investigations in to the causes of the problems at Bridlington South Beach are underway this summer, but further detailed investigations at Scarborough South Bay wont take place until next year.
The Environment Agency has issued advice against swimming in the South Bay this summer, it says the causes of the poor water quality in the bay are complicated and says it's not purely down to industrial effluent.
Bathing Water Technical Specialist - Claire Campbell - says previous studies have show that it's not purely industrial waste that is affecting the water.
The latest bather quality information for the Yorkshire Coast's beaches can be found at https://environment.data.gov.uk/bwq/profiles/data-compare.html?district=East%20Riding%20of%20Yorkshire%2CScarborough&sort-order=coastal
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