Warning for dog owners after "near-miss" incident injures land train passengers.
East Yorkshire Coastal Services team say there has been a spate of incidents where loose dogs have had near misses with the town's land trains.
The team say:
"Unfortunately, on Friday last week another uncontrolled dog caused a land train incident on Sewerby cliff top.
The driver had to brake harshly to avoid hitting a dog which witnesses say chased alongside the land train before diving across in front of it.
The train just missed the dog, which ran straight back to the owner who was estimated to be approximately 100 metres away when the incident occurred. The owner, who may have been oblivious to the incident, headed away from the incident towards Sewerby."
The team say that the land train driver was visibly shaken by the incident but followed the correct procedure.
When checking on the passengers, they had to treat 3 people for minor injuries including a bloodied nose and a swollen wrist.
The land train team add:
"Whilst our drivers make every effort to avoid hitting loose dogs, if an uncontrolled dog is injured or killed by a land train the council will take no responsibility for it and passenger safety will always take priority.
Please keep your dog under control at all times when walking on promenades and Sewerby cliff top and help us keep everybody safe."
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