Several schools in the East Riding of Yorkshire are set to reduce their Published Admission Numbers (PAN) for the 2026-27 academic year due to a decline in the birth rate and falling pupil numbers.
The number of places that will be available at a some schools in Bridlington and Driffield next academic year is to be reduced as the schools respond to falling demand.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council says it has been working with schools to manage the supply of school places, and to ensure that resources are allocated effectively. The council must also make sure there are sufficient school places for current and future residents.
The council conducted a public consultation on the proposed changes between 9 October and 27 November 2024.
Bridlington School is requesting a reduction in its PAN from 200 to 180. The school has seen a fall in demand, linked to a decline in the local population and parental preference. Pupil projection information demonstrates a clear decline in pupil numbers which is projected to continue for the foreseeable future.
According to the council,
"reducing the PAN to 180 safeguards the financial viability of the school as staffing has been able to be reduced to accommodate this number of students."
The school currently operates a six-form entry into Year 7. There were eight consultation responses regarding the proposed PAN change at Bridlington School, all of which were positive.
Burlington Infant School is also requesting a decrease to its PAN, from 80 to 60. The school is experiencing a fall in demand linked to a decline in the birth rate, and pupil projection information shows a clear decline in pupil numbers. The council notes that the physical accommodation of the school will not be reduced in a way that makes the decrease irreversible and that spaces can be used for other purposes. It is likely that the admission number for Burlington Junior School will also need to change in line with the lower admission number for the infant school.
Hilderthorpe Primary School is proposing to reduce its PAN from 60 to 45. Currently, there is an average of 45 pupils across each year group within the school. There are currently 45 pupils in the Reception year, with data showing that only 34 of those live in the school’s catchment area.
Pupil projections indicate the highest forecast number on roll in Reception is likely to be 40. A response to the consultation from the Chair of Governors stated that the proposed reduction is at the request of officers in response to government instruction to address high surplus places in the area. The governor also noted that there are around 200 houses nearing completion close to the school, which may include more children in the future. The council responded that this was not only affecting this school and that any changes to admission numbers were in line with demand.
Driffield CE VC Infant School is requesting a reduction in its admission number, having considered the forecasts for projected pupil numbers and a wider context of falling birth rates locally and nationally. The school is already using spare space for an enhanced resource provision for children with special educational needs.
Council Response
The council has stated that it is working with schools to manage the supply of school places and to ensure that resources are allocated effectively. A council officer noted that,
"schools with high numbers of surplus places are often suffering from resourcing challenges and deficit budgets year on year."
Councillor Aitken stated that she fully supports the changes, and that the reality is that "this is in the context of our falling birth rate".
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