If you take a bag of rubbish to a tip in the East Riding you could be asked to sort through it for any recyclable material.
Waste sites in the East Riding of Yorkshire are going to launch a bag sorting trial.
The idea is to ensure as much waste as possible is recycled by providing facilities at the tips where residents can sort through their bagged rubbish.
Service Manager for Waste disposal - Sarah Atkinson - says a significant proportion of stuff taken to the tips in black bags could be recycled.
The waste recycling centres are going to trial a bag sorting scheme later this year.
Waste Manager Sarah Atkinson says that when the scheme gets underway, facilities will be provided to help residents route out the 30 percent of recyclable rubbish which is often in black bags.
A similar trial has been carried in Hull with a positive effect on the amount of waste recycled. Waste managers say that there will be a publicity campaign before the launch of the trial which will encourage people to sort their waste at hoem before takign it to the Houshold Waste recycling Centres.
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