Developers building 50 new homes at Burniston will have to pay £22.5k to the NHS to help provide GP services for the new residents.
Planning for the new housing was approved by planners this week. The development will be 2,3 and 4 bedroom houses.
There won't be any new medical facilities built as part of the work, but the developers will have to pay the extra cash to the NHS to help provide local GP services.
Borough Councillor - Rich Maw - questioned how that figure was determined and if it was enough.
Planning Officer Hugh Smith says there is standard NHS formula for calculating the payments.
The 50 dwellings would all be two storey and comprise 10 house types. There would be 23 detached houses, 8 pairs of semi-detached properties (16 in total) and 11 terraced houses contained in three blocks. The terraced and semi-detached houses would generally be closer to the southern and eastern boundaries, while detached dwellings would mainly occupy the central and north-western parts of the site. There would be 12no. two bedroomed, 27no. three bedroomed and 11no. four bedroomed houses. Ten of the homes would be affordable, equating to 20% of the total.
The NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group says that the closest two GP practices are situated in Newby/Scalby 3 miles away. Using a standard NHS methodology and based on the additional population arising from the development it is calculated that there would be an infrastructure cost of £22,577 and this should be secured by means of a S106 payment.
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