North Yorkshire Council has approved a 21-bedroom development near Scarborough despite more than a dozen objections.
A former tearooms and wine shop will be converted to form two properties alongside the erection of a further five dwellings at Brompton Forge.
The development, with associated garages and carports, is located on High Street, Brompton By Sawdon, which is between Scarborough and Pickering.
The scheme will see the redevelopment of the site to create seven dwellings, each of which will have three bedrooms.
Two will be within the existing buildings and five will be constructed as a new build terrace fronting onto Hungate.
Brompton By Sawdon Parish Council objected to the proposals based on concerns about a loss of privacy, overshadowing, design, highway safety, traffic and parking and “the large scale of the development associated with the site”.
The parish council said:
“The proposal is not in keeping with the character and appearance of the area and would result in a loss of privacy and light.”
The Highway Authority also objected, stating that the proposed parking arrangements were not adequate and would result in overspill onto Hungate which would be “prejudicial to highway safety”.
More than a dozen members of the public also wrote to the council in opposition to the plans, raising concerns about over development, parking provisions, loss of light and privacy for neighbours, sewerage issues, and a loss of open space.
However, the council’s conservation officer said that the redevelopment of the site could provide “an opportunity to enhance the character and appearance of the area” and remove “unsympathetic extensions to the rear of the tea room buildings”.
A similar development was approved at the site by the council in 2018 but the works were not undertaken.
The planning authority stated that the reduced number of parking spaces had been accepted in the previous planning permission and the relevant national and local policies had not changed significantly since then.
It similarly noted that the layout and scale of the development “have not altered from that accepted in the previous application”.
Planning officers concluded that the development was considered to be in a sustainable location and that it would “preserve the character and appearance of the conservation area”.
It added:
“The proposed development is not considered to result in harm to residential amenity or highway safety, nor would the proposal have an unacceptable impact on ecology on or adjacent to the site.”
The application was approved by North Yorkshire Council on Monday, March 18.
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