Some schools in the East Riding of Yorkshire will be in deficit this year as higher bills bite.
Schools in the East Riding of Yorkshire are projected to go more than 12 million pounds over budget this year.
The latest numbers from the East Riding of Yorkshire council take account of increasing fuel costs and pay award costs.
The authority's Director of Finance, Julian Nielson, says it's the highest overspend they authority has ever seen in it's schools budget.
The latest numbers show the effect of increased fuel costs and higher than expected pay awards on School budgets.
Julian Nielson says steps are being taken to address the issues and says schools wont run out of cash.
A report presented to the East Riding Council's cabinet yesterday says that the £12.6m overspend consists of:
"a £4.2m overspend in the high needs block, £7.8m in the schools block, £0.3m in the early years block and a £0.3m overspend in the central school services block. £2.6m of the variance relates to projected overspends on centrally managed budgets, largely relating to a deficit on funding from the Department for Education for pupils with high needs. "
The report says that the largest chunk of the overspend, relating to primary and secondary schools is:
"made up of overspends of £6.2m by primary schools and £1.6m by secondary schools. This is primarily due to the latest projections for increases to energy bills and the latest national pay offers for teaching and non-teaching staff being significantly higher than budgeted for"
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