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Today's Weather
Medium-level cloud
High: 10°C | Low: 8°C
Medium-level cloud
High: 10°C | Low: 7°C
Medium-level cloud
High: 10°C | Low: 9°C
Medium-level cloud
High: 10°C | Low: 7°C
Medium-level cloud
High: 10°C | Low: 7°C
Medium-level cloud
High: 10°C | Low: 7°C
Wind Warning For New Year's Eve Revellers On Yorkshire Coast
Gusts could reach 70mph in some exposed locations, with the warning in force between 7:00am and 11:00pm NYE.
CCTV Image Issued as Scarborough Police Investigate Assaults
Police say they need to speak to this man after new CCTV emerged during an investigation into a sexual assault.
Police Probe Bridlington Indecent Exposure
Officers are appealing for information after receiving reports that a man followed a woman home in Bridlington and then indecently exposed himself.